Monday, 11 December 2017

Hypnobirthing: The basics

Childbirth is possibly the most natural thing in the world. For most women, it’s an exciting, positive and life-changing experience. But childbirth also comes with a plethora of emotion, and sometimes, a fear and anxiety about labour can get in the way. This fear and stress can affect the birth, prolonging labour.

Whether this fear is sparked by hearing horror stories, or a previous experience of labour, learning to relax and listen to your body can make for an easier birth.

Hypnobirthing is a method which aims to help women relax in the lead-up to, and during, childbirth – free from stress, anxiety or fear. The idea is that, as an expectant mother, you attend a course of hypnobirthing classes in the lead-up to labour. You’ll learn self-hypnosis and breathing techniques, which you can take with you when the time comes.

When should you start classes?

If you’re interested in giving hypnobirthing a try, it’s suggested you start classes at around 25 to 30 weeks. This gives you time to practise the techniques, so you feel confident in the delivery room. Of course, you can still attend classes if you’re further along. Even learning the basic techniques of hypnobirthing can be helpful.

What will you learn?

The main aim of hypnobirthing is to make the idea of childbirth stress-free and as positive as possible. Of course, complications can be had, but hypnobirthing aims to help women look at the birthing process in a more positive light. It’s natural, you can do this.

As a woman, you are surrounded by other women who have done it. They have their own story, and stories from friends, family and those before them. Sadly not all births go to plan and for some, these ‘horror stories’ of bad experiences can leave them dreading labour.

Instead of researching what might happen and anticipating pain, which then increases anxiety, hypnobirthing works with positive language, including:

  • ‘surges’ instead of ‘contractions’
  • ‘practice labour’ instead of ‘false labour’
  • ‘birth breathing’ instead of ‘pushing’

With positive language as the foundation, hypnobirthing classes will consist of self-hypnosis techniques, visualisation and breathing exercises. You may also learn the ‘ideal positions’ for childbirth, which can shorten the length of labour and work with your body, instead of against it.

It’s common to be given materials to take home too, so you can continue your hypnobirthing practice outside of the classroom, right up until your birthing date.

The benefits of hypnobirthing

“I was letting my body get on with it, rather than rolling around on a birthing ball, or preparing to go to hospital.

By teatime, the ‘surges’ had become so outrageously strong that they were almost beyond painful. Some bizarre internal engine had taken over and I remained calm, excited and a bit giggly.

I have recommended hypnobirthing to every expectant parent ever since.”

Read more of Amy’s experience.

According to those who have used hypnobirthing, there are a number of benefits.

  • reduced time in labour
  • feel more relaxed before and after birth
  • baby is more likely to feed and sleep well
  • increased sense of bonding between parents and child
  • reduced recovery time after birth

Everyone is different and so, your experience of pregnancy and childbirth may be different to your friends’, or those around you. It’s important you listen to yourself and what you want from your birthing experience.

There is no right or wrong way. If you’re pregnant, don’t be afraid to ask questions. Exploring all options and learning about the different approaches is the first step to feeling more in control and understanding the process.

Sunday, 3 December 2017

Our top stress busting tips for the festive season

While Christmas is meant to be a time for joy, we all know it can bring its own stresses. From dealing with family to last-minute gift shopping, for some, it’s the most stressful time of the year.

We asked the office how they cope with stress at this time of year.

Bonnie, Creative Writer and Producer

“Plan, plan, plan! My other half and I try and agree ahead of time roughly how we’ll split time between our different friends and family to help minimise stress and avoid any arguments.

We’ve also found that spending time individually with our friends/family can be a great way to avoid extra stress when going to meet extended family or friends that aren’t shared.

We’ve also found that ‘neutral ground’ for family celebrations can be helpful. Rather than having part of the family driving 4+ hours and the rest of us driving for less than one hour to meet at the same family’s house year-on-year, we try and pick a restaurant or cottage rental with a roughly equal travel distance for everyone.

Another good one is recognising your own and your loved ones’ faults. I know my other half is always going to be late for, well, everything. He last-minute shops; he turns up late to everything for family and friends. Recognising that doesn’t mean he cares less, and preparing yourself for that likelihood can help take the stress out of it/diminish the worrying around it and helps to just let it go.”

Melissa, Digital Marketing and Brand Ambassador

“I schedule a few evenings in the lead up to Christmas where I do the things to help me relax and unwind – for example, have a relaxing bath, light a lavender candle, chilled relaxing nights in. Another thing is to accept that there may be some conflicts of interest but you’re not responsible for anyone’s actions, mostly enjoy being in the moment and celebrating it with loved ones.“

Hannah, Membership Services Executive

“Get out of the house when it’s dark, put the coats, scarves and gloves on and go for a walk. Appreciate all the effort your neighbours have gone through to decorate their houses with lights and enjoy!”

Ellen, Marketing Communications Executive

“My advice is that amidst the hustle and bustle, make sure you still find some time to yourself – spending days on end with family, socialising, understandably the excitement can get pretty overwhelming!

In the lead up to Christmas, despite it being my favourite time of year, I ensure I always have some ‘me time’ – whether that’s sitting down with a cup of tea and my favourite film, or even wrapping presents alone, with some music playing and a chocolate biscuit (or two).”

Amy-Jean, Art Designer at Happiful

“I always find I can get quite anxious when all the family are in such a small space and it can get stuffy so I like to go for a short walk with a couple of the family just to get air and chill! (plus this really helps with the digestion of all the calories).”

How do you cope with festive stress? Let us know on Twitter!

Friday, 1 December 2017

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy – A Pharmacist’s perspective…

Written by Claire Noyelle As a practising pharmacist, people are often visibly surprised that I would also be trained in something as ‘alternative’ as Hypnotherapy. And I admit, I was slightly cynical when I first started studying it at The Clifton Practice; right up until I actually started working with clients as a student practitioner ... Read more